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Asset Allocation & Portfolio Management Tools for Investors
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About Us

Investing is complex and intimidating to most people, and many are unsure how to go about it. Often, they're afraid they'll make the wrong decisions and end up losing money, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Most good product is born out of necessity, usually when an individual fails to find what they are looking for. This website is no exception, fuelled by our passion for our work. Our inspiration was the clear gap between contemporary advances in portfolio theory and the approaches that were still being used by most existing advisors.

We are privileged to work in this information age. www.teamgenus.in is an online marketplace for discovering exceptional portfolio ideas. We provide investors with full transparency and control. We help our user find their risk, asset allocation and fine-tune their portfolio to achieve their financial goals.
We believe Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and Post Modern Portfolio theory, which is an extension of the traditional modern portfolio theory, are the best approach to managing individual portfolios.  By investing in a diverse pool of assets with collectively lower risk than any individual asset, MPT attempts to maximize portfolio returns for a selected amount of risk. We've selected our investments based on decades of research and historical analysis. We also use Black-Litterman model optimization to create portfolio that incorporates relative and absolute `views' on inputs of risk and returns.
Our vision: to build the impeccable investment management service.
With a decade of experience in finance and investment, we sought to give an investment service that would deliver the best possible results and save time and money of investor. A service to build wealth, yes, but more importantly give you the peace of mind and the time to pursue your career and enjoy other things in life.
useful links Reserve Bank of India
FUNDS : 360  |  Aditya  |  Angel  |  Axis  |  Bajaj  |  Bandhan  |  Bank  |  Baroda  |  Canara  |  DSP  |  Edelweiss  |  Edelweiss  |  Franklin  |  Groww  |  HDFC  |  Helios  |  HSBC  |  ICICI  |  Invesco  |  ITI  |  JM  |  Kotak  |  LIC  |  Mahindra  |  Mirae  |  Motilal  |  NAVI  |  Nippon  |  NJ  |  Old  |  PGIM  |  PPFAS  |  Quant  |  Quantum  |  Samco  |  SBI  |  Shriram  |  Sundaram  |  Tata  |  Taurus  |  TRUST  |  Unifi  |  Union  |  User  |  UTI  |  WhiteOak  |  Zerodha  | 

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