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Asset Allocation & Portfolio Management Tools for Investors
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Team Genus offers Portfolio Analyser, a simple and effective tool that provides detailed analysis of portfolio and risk analytics of your holdings or proposed investments.The reports display performance analysis, fund and statistical information, asset class, stock sector rating split and top 25 holdings. It also provides comparisons to benchmarks, model asset allocations and additional fund information.
What is Portfolio Analysis?
In financial terms, 'portfolio analysis' is a study of the performance of specific portfolios under different circumstances. It includes the efforts made to achieve the best trade-off between risk and returns. It is vital to evaluate the performances of investments and timing the returns effectively.

The analysis of a portfolio extends to all classes of investments such as bonds, gilts, equities, indexes and commodities funds. Portfolio analysis gains importance because each asset class has peculiar risk factors and returns associated with it. Hence, the composition of a portfolio affects the rate of return of the overall investment.
What is involved in Portfolio Analysis?
Portfolio analysis is broadly carried out for each asset at two levels:

Risk: This method analyses the portfolio composition while considering the risk associated with funds. Some investors may prefer to play safe and accept low profits rather than invest in risky assets that can generate high returns.

Returns: While performing portfolio analysis, prospective returns are calculated through the historical compound return methods. A compound return is the arithmetic mean that considers the cumulative effect on overall returns.

The next step in portfolio analysis involves determining dispersion of returns. It is the measure of volatility or standard deviation of returns for a particular asset. Simply put, dispersion refers is the difference between the real return and the calculated average return.
Comprehensive Communicating Stress-free
360 degree analysis of performance, risk and attribution Bring your portfolio data to life with interactive visual analysis. Simply log in and enter your current holding and see your portfolio analysis.
Start your analysis here…
useful links Reserve Bank of India
FUNDS : 360  |  Aditya  |  Angel  |  Axis  |  Bajaj  |  Bandhan  |  Bank  |  Baroda  |  Canara  |  DSP  |  Edelweiss  |  Edelweiss  |  Franklin  |  Groww  |  HDFC  |  Helios  |  HSBC  |  ICICI  |  Invesco  |  ITI  |  JM  |  Kotak  |  LIC  |  Mahindra  |  Mirae  |  Motilal  |  NAVI  |  Nippon  |  NJ  |  Old  |  PGIM  |  PPFAS  |  Quant  |  Quantum  |  Samco  |  SBI  |  Shriram  |  Sundaram  |  Tata  |  Taurus  |  TRUST  |  Unifi  |  Union  |  User  |  UTI  |  WhiteOak  |  Zerodha  | 

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