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Insurance Planner

We believe Life Insurance is strictly for your family dependent members in case of your sudden death. It is not a retirement tool though many of us use Life Insurance policy as part of Retirement planning or even as Tax planning.

Many of us buy costly Life Insurance product which neither help our family in case of our demise nor take care of Retirement if we live longer.

We'll help you find out how much you really need. Most people want enough life insurance to make sure their family can continue to live their current lifestyle even if a breadwinner passes away. To calculate what exactly that figure would be, we take into account both your spouse's and your children's annual expenses, as well aspost death costs.

If you and your spouse both work, you should each fill out a separate worksheet. You may also want to consider what sort of coverage your dependents would need in the event you and your spouse die within a short time of each other.
Insurance Work Sheet

Life Insurance Calculator

This worksheet will help you determine how much coverage you need. The goal is to make certain that if you die your dependents can continue their current life style. Both you and your spouse (if has regular earnings) should fill out a separate worksheet to determine the coverage needed if either partner dies or both partner die in quick succession. This result is a rough estimate and not a substitute of comprehensive professional financial plan.
useful links Reserve Bank of India
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