Your Current Location : Asset Allocation : Asset Allocation Area Graph |
Asset Allocation Area Graph |
(Based on Black-Litterman Model) |
Efficient frontiers display returns on the vertical axis and the standard deviation of returns on the horizontal axis. Each point on an efficient frontier represents the risk and return of an efficient asset allocation, where an efficient asset allocation is one that maximizes return per unit of risk.
Asset allocation area graphs complement the efficient frontier graphs. They display the asset allocations of the efficient frontier across the entire risk spectrum. Like efficient frontier graphs, asset allocation areagraphs display risk on the horizontal axis.
In the Figure, Position ‘0’ corresponds to the minimum variance asset allocation and Position ‘100’ corresponds to the maximum return asset allocation. This measure also corresponds to your risk tolerance. As an alternative to the 0 to 100 position labels, we could have used the appropriate standard deviations.
The percentage of the allocation to each of the asset classes is shown on the vertical axis. Conceptually, the asset allocation area graph is similar to a standard asset allocation pie chart that shows the asset allocation that corresponds to a particular spot on the efficient frontier, except the asset allocation area graph displays all of the asset allocations on the efficient frontier.
Scroll the graph to see how the asset allocation changes with change in Risk tolerance. |