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Online Investments in Mutual Fund

Online investments are on the rise. At the most basic level, fund houses have websites wherein you can transact. You need a username and a password or a personal identification number (PIN) to transact.

If you are an existing investor and have been investing in the traditional way of filling forms, some Mutual fund house allow you to buy units online without registering initially. Once you enter your folio number, bank account number (which is registered with your MF folio) and PAN, you are directed to your own bank’s internet banking website. Enter your bank’s internet username and password, enter the amount and your investment is complete. 
useful links Reserve Bank of India
FUNDS : 360  |  Aditya  |  Angel  |  Axis  |  Bajaj  |  Bandhan  |  Bank  |  Baroda  |  Canara  |  DSP  |  Edelweiss  |  Edelweiss  |  Franklin  |  Groww  |  HDFC  |  Helios  |  HSBC  |  ICICI  |  Invesco  |  ITI  |  JM  |  Kotak  |  LIC  |  Mahindra  |  Mirae  |  Motilal  |  NAVI  |  Nippon  |  NJ  |  Old  |  PGIM  |  PPFAS  |  Quant  |  Quantum  |  Samco  |  SBI  |  Shriram  |  Sundaram  |  Tata  |  Taurus  |  TRUST  |  Unifi  |  Union  |  User  |  UTI  |  WhiteOak  |  Zerodha  | 

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