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Your Current Location : Fund Card : Portfolio Classification
Motilal Oswal Arbitrage Fund (G) Direct
[Hybrid: Arbitrage]
Asset Mix
Instruments Breakdown
Instruments Composition
Current Asset 77.32
Equity 0.00
Treasury Bill 17.50
Trep 5.18
Concentration Analysis
Top 5 Holdings 82.50%
Top 10 Holdings 82.50%
Top 25 Holdings 100.00%
Sector Analysis
Sector/Ratings Net Asset(%)
Cash 82.5
SOV 17.5
Portfolio Metrics
PB Ratio 2.52
PE Ratio 18.37
Top 25 Holdings
Holdings Net Asset(%)
Net Receivables/Payables (FnO) 77.32
Axis Bank Limited 8.05
Reliance Industries Limited 6.55
HDFC Bank Limited 5.62
Collateralized Borrowing & Lending Obligation 5.18
ICICI Bank Limited 4.54
State Bank of India 3.38
Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited 3.35
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited 2.77
Titan Co Ltd 2.14
Godrej Consumer Products Limited 2.12
364 Days Tbill (MD 20/03/2025) 2.00
182 Days Tbill (MD 23/05/2025) 1.97
182 Days Tbill (MD 19/06/2025) 1.96
364 Days Tbill (MD 07/08/2025) 1.95
364 Days Tbill (MD 24/07/2025) 1.95
364 Days Tbill (MD 04/09/2025) 1.94
364 Days Tbill (MD 06/11/2025) 1.92
364 Days Tbill (MD 04/12/2025) 1.91
364 Days Tbill (MD 18/12/2025) 1.90
Tata Motors Limited 1.89
Bajaj Finance Limited 1.89
Hindalco Industries Limited 1.56
Sector Analysis Graphical Mode
useful links Reserve Bank of India
FUNDS : 360  |  Aditya  |  Angel  |  Axis  |  Bajaj  |  Bandhan  |  Bank  |  Baroda  |  Canara  |  DSP  |  Edelweiss  |  Edelweiss  |  Franklin  |  Groww  |  HDFC  |  Helios  |  HSBC  |  ICICI  |  Invesco  |  ITI  |  JM  |  Kotak  |  LIC  |  Mahindra  |  Mirae  |  Motilal  |  NAVI  |  Nippon  |  NJ  |  Old  |  PGIM  |  PPFAS  |  Quant  |  Quantum  |  Samco  |  SBI  |  Shriram  |  Sundaram  |  Tata  |  Taurus  |  TRUST  |  Unifi  |  Union  |  User  |  UTI  |  WhiteOak  |  Zerodha  | 

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